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作者: 来源: 发布时间 : 2023-03-02 10:09:51 点击量:




电子邮箱:liuyong2020@ynu.edu.cn  lycc2010@126.com



近年来,以第一作者和通讯作者在Water research (Nature index)Journal of Hazardous MaterialsAdvance scienceCoordin. Chem. Rev.等学术刊物上发表论文30余篇,其中JCR一区TOP,包括中科院一区SCI论文14篇。其中,IF>202, IF>106篇,IF>613篇。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目1项(在研),国家自然科学基金青年项目1项;云南省社会发展专项1项(在研),山东省自然科学基金项目1 ,云南省高层次人才项目1项(在研),兴滇青年人才项目1项,横向课题一项(在研),授权发明专利3项,成果转化一项。


2020/12 -至今,bat365在线平台官方网站湖泊院   教授

2014/08 -2020/11  济南大学光功能材料与成像研究院  讲师 副教授


2011/09 – 2014/06   山东大学         工学博士

2008/09 – 2011/06   西北师范大学     理学硕士

2004/09 – 2008/06    西安文理学院    理学学士


1. 兴滇青年英才支持计划-青年人才项目:构建微囊藻毒素功能化荧光探针及毒理学研究;2023.01.01-2027.12.31; 在研,主持。

2. 云南省社会发展专项课题:基于湖泊治理与流域生态修复的核心关键技术研发; 项目编号:202103AC1000012021/04-2024/04; 在研,主持。

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:构建新型近红外荧光探针监测癌细胞和肿瘤内脱氧核糖核酸附近的生物硫醇;项目编号:51973082 2020/01 - 2023/12;在研,主持。

3. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,基于新型近红外荧光探针追踪癌细胞内核糖核酸(RNA)附近过氧化氢的动态变化研究,项目编号:51503077 2016/01-2018/12,主持,已结题。

4. 山东省自然科学基金, 构建新型近红外荧光探针追踪癌细胞内线粒体附近过氧化氢动态变化的研究,项目编号:ZR2015PE0012015/07-2016/12, 主持,已结题。

5. 横向课题,具有应用价值荧光技术研发2022.4-2025.12,经费:70万,主持,在研。

6. 校级博士基金,基于咔唑类双光子功能材料的设计、合成及其对膜有序相的检测,项目编号:160082102 2015 /7 -2016 / 12; 主持,已结题。



1. Yong Liu, Jianping Shen , Changhui Zhang , Zhe Chen ,* Impact of rubber-based land use changes on soil properties and carbon pools: A meta-analysis, Catena, 2023, 227, 107121. (中科院1区)

2. Yu Hao , Jianping Shen , Yue Zhang, Ping Xie *, Yong Liu ,* Assessing the pollution level of a subtropical lake by using a novel hydrogen sulfide fluorescence technologyEnviron. Res. 2023, 229, 115916 (JCR1TOPIF=8.4)


3. Bingyan Li, Yipeng Liu, Huiyan Chuan, Yong Liu*, Ping Xie*. Excluding interference and detecting Microcystin-LR in the natural lakes and cells based a unique fluorescence method. Water Research2022, 221, 118811. (Nature index IF=14.3, 中科院1TOP)

4. Huixia Zhang, Bingyan Li, Yipeng Liu, Huiyan Chuan, Yong Liu*, Ping Xie**. Immunoassay technology: Research progress in microcystin-LR detection in water samples. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 424, 127406 (中科院1TOPIF=14.2).

5. Yipeng Liu, Bingyan Li, Huixia Zhang, Yong Liu*, Ping Xie*. Participation of fluorescence technology in the cross-disciplinary detection of microcystins. Coordin. Chem. Rev. 2022, 457, 214416. (中科院1TOPIF=24.8).

6. Huixia Zhang, Zhaomin Wang , Yong Liu * , Ping Xie ** , Exploring the direct effects of microcystin-LR on DNA via using cross-technical means. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2022, 241, 113841.  (JCR一区TOPIF=7.1)

7. Zhaomin Wang, Bingyan Li, Ping Xie **, Yong Liu *, Exploring effects of MC-LR to lysosome localization by a unique fluorescence-based method, Dyes and Pigments, 2022, 207, 110672.(JCR一区TOPIF=5.1)

8. Zhaomin Wang, Congcong Wang, Tianhe Fang, Yong Liu*. Constructing a novel near-infrared fluorescent probe with a large Stokes shift for detection of RNA in the cancer cells. Dyes and Pigments, 2022, 200, 110126 (JCR一区TOPIF=5.1)

9. Yipeng Liu, Bingyan Li, Huixia Zhang, Yong Liu*, Ping Xie. Detection of Microcystin‑LR in the Cells and Natural Lake Water Samples by A Unique Fluorescence‑Based Method. J. Fluresc, 2022, 32, 505-519  (四区,IF=2.2).


10. Bingyan Li, Yipeng Liu, Huixia Zhang, Yong Liu*, Ping Xie*. Research progress in the functionalization of microcystin-LR based on interdisciplinary technologies. Coordin. Chem. Rev. 2021, 443, 214041. (被引频次进入学术领域最优秀前0.1%;中科院1TOPIF=24.8).


1. 刘勇,谢平,一种荧光探针的制备方法和应用,专利号:ZL 2021 1 0598007.8, 授权日期:2022. 05. 03

2. 刘勇,谢平,一种罗丹明类化合物的制备方法和在检测微囊藻毒素中的应用,专利号:ZL 2021 1 1363884.3,授权日期:2022.4.12

3. 刘勇等,一种核糖核酸荧光探针及其制备方法和应用,专利号:ZL 2021 1 1464008. X, 授权日期:2022.4.29 已实现成果转化


1.       Yong Liu, Jie Niu, Weishan Wang, Yanyan Ma and Weiying Lin, Simultaneous Imaging of Ribonucleic Acid and Hydrogen Sulfide in Living Systems with Distinct Fluorescence Signals Using a Single Fluorescent Probe. Advanced Science, 2018, 51700966 (IF =16.8)

2.       Yong Liu, Jie Niu, Weishan Wang and Weiying Lin, Tracking of Mitochondrial Endogenous Ribonucleic Acid in the Cancer Cells and Macrophages Using a Novel Small-Molecular Fluorescent Probe. Anal. Chem., 2019, 91, 1715-1718.  (IF =7.0)

3.       Yong Liu, Jing Nie, Jie Niu, Weishan Wang and Weiying Lin, An AIE + ESIPT ratiometric fluorescent probe for monitoring sulfur dioxide with distinct ratiometric fluorescence signals in mammalian cells, mouse embryonic fibroblast and zebrafish. J. Mater. Chem. B, 2018, 6, 1973-1983 IF =6.33

4.       Minggang Tian, Yong Liu, (共同一作), Yuming Sun, Ruoyao Zhang, Ruiqing Feng, Ge Zhang, Lifang Guo, Xuechen Li, Xiaoqiang Yu, JingZhi Sun, Xiuquan He, A Single Fluorescent Probe Enables Clearly Discriminating and Simultaneously Imaging Liquid-ordered and Liquid-disordered Microdomains in Plasma Membrane of Living Cells, Biomaterials, 2017, 120, 46-56. (IF =12.5)

5.       Yong Liu, Fangfang Meng, Longwei He, Xiaoqiang Yu and Weiying LinFluorescence behavior of a unique two-photon fluorescent probe in aggregate and solution states and highly sensitive detection of RNA in water solution and living systems, Chem. Commun., 2016, 52, 8838-8841.(IF=6.2).

6.       Yong Liu, Fangfang Meng, Longwei He, Keyin Liu and Weiying Lin*, A dual-site two-photon fluorescent probe for visualizing lysosomes and tracking lysosomal hydrogen sulfide with two different sets of fluorescence signals in the living cells and mouse liver tissues, Chem. Commun., 2016, 52, 7016-7019.(IF=6.2)

7.       Yong Liu, Fangfang Meng, Jing Nie, Jie Niu, Xiaoqiang Yu and Weiying Lin. Two-photon fluorescent probe for detecting cell membranal liquid-ordered phase by an aggregate fluorescence method, J. Mater. Chem. B, 2017, 5, 4725-4731. (IF=6.33)

8.       Yong Liu, Jie Niu , Weishan Wang , Baoli Dong and Weiying Lin. Unique phenanthrenequinone imidazole-based fluorescent materials with aggregation-induced or two-photon emission. J. Mater. Chem. B, 2017, 5, 7783-7900. ((IF=6.33前封面文章)

9.       Yong Liu, Jing Nie, Jie Niu, Fangfang Meng and Weiying Lin, Ratiometric fluorescent probe with AIE property for monitoring endogenous hydrogen peroxide in macrophages and cancer cells, Scientific Reports2017, 17293  (IF=4.38).

10.   Yong Liu, Jie Niu, Jing Nie, Fangfang Meng and Weiying Lin. A mitochondria-targetable fluorescent probe with a large Stokes shift for detecting hydrogen peroxide in aqueous solution and living cells. New. J. Chem., 2017, 41, 3320-3325. (IF=3.2).

11.   Yong Liu, Fangfang Meng and Weiying Lin, Single fluorescent probe for reversibly detecting copper ions and cysteine in a pure water system, RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 30951–30955.(IF=3.3).

12.   Yong Liu, Fangfang Meng, Yonghe Tang, Xiaoqiang Yu and Weiying Lin, A photostable fluorescent probe for rapid monitoring and tracking of a trans-membrane process and mitochondrial fission and fusion dynamics, New J. Chem., 2016, 40, 3726—3731. (IF=3.3).

13.   Yong Liu, Weijia Zhang, Yuming Sun, Guofen Song, Fang Miao and Xiaoqiang Yu, Two-photon fluorescence imaging of RNA in nucleoli and cytoplasm in living cells based on low molecular weight probes, Dyes and Pigments, 2014, 103, 191-201. (IF=4.9).

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《物理化学C; 《野外综合实习》

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