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作者: 来源: 发布时间 : 2020-07-20 02:50:41 点击量:

1 个人信息





2 教学经历




3 教育和工作经历






4 主持的科研项目






5 参与的部分科研项目







6 指导的学生项目

(1)本科生校级社会调查类项目,白族传统文化在洱海生物多样性保护中的积极意义研究, 2020/6-2021/6。

(2)本科生校级科技创新类项目,201904055,代表性浮游动物的敏感基因用于蓝藻密度监测的研究, 2019/12-2021/6。

7 学术兼职

担任Environmental Technology杂志审稿人。

8 代表论文

(1) Runbing Xu#, Tao Li#, Mi Shen, Zhuliang Yang, Zhiwei Zhao*; Evidence for a dark septate endophyte (Exophiala pisciphila, H93) enhancing phosphorus absorption by maize seedlings, Plant and Soil, 2020, 452: 249–266.

(2) Runbing Xu#, Yao Jiang#, Hugh MacIsaac, Liqiang Chen, Jingjing Li, Jun Xu, Tao Wang, Yuanyan Zi, Xuexiu Chang*; Blooming cyanobacteria alter water flea reproduction via exudates of estrogen analogues, Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 696:133909.

(3) Runbing Xu, Sabine Hilt, Ying Pei, Lijuan Yin, Xiaolong Wang, Xuexiu Chang*; Growth phase-dependent allelopathic effects of cyanobacterial exudates on Potamogeton crispus L. seedlings, Hydrobiologia, 2016, 767(1): 137-149.

(4) Runbing Xu#, Feng Wu#, Sabine Hilt, Cheng Wu, Xiaolong Wang, Xuexiu Chang*; Recovery limitation of endangered Ottelia acuminata by allelopathic interaction with cyanobacteria, Aquatic Ecology, 2015, 49(3): 333-342.

(5) Runbing Xu#, Tao Li#, Hongliang Cui, Junling Wang, Xin Yu,Yanhua Ding, Chaojun Wang, Zhuliang Yang, Zhiwei Zhao*; Diversity and characterization of Cd-tolerant dark septate endophytes (DSEs) associated with the roots of Nepal alder (Alnus nepalensis) in a metal mine tailing of southwest China, Applied Soil Ecology, 2015, 93: 11-18.

(6) Guilai Zheng#, Runbing Xu#, Xuexiu Chang*, Sabine Hilt, Cheng Wu; Cyanobacteria can allelopathically inhibit submerged macrophytes: Effects of Microcystis aeruginosa extracts and exudates on Potamogeton malaianus, Aquatic Botany, 2013, 109, 1-7.

(7) Jingjing Li, Jingjing Chao, Robert Michael Lee McKay, Runbing Xu, Tao Wang, Jun Xu, Jinlong Zhang, Xuexiu Chang*, Antibiotic pollution promotes dominance by harmful cyanobacteria: A case study examining norfloxacin exposure in competition experiments, Journal of Phycology, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1111/jpy.13133

(8) Mi Shen#, Harald Schneider#, Runbing Xu, Guanhua Cao, Han-Bo Zhang, Tao Li*, Zhiwei Zhao*; Dark septate endophyte enhances maize cadmium (Cd) tolerance by the remodeled host cell walls and the altered Cd subcellular distribution, Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2020, 172: 104000.

(9) Ying Pei, Runbing Xu, Sabine Hilt, Xuexiu Chang*; Effects of Cyanobacterial Secondary Metabolites on Phytoplankton Community Succession. In: Merillon JM., Ramawat K. (eds) Co-Evolution of Secondary Metabolites. Reference Series in Phytochemistry. Springer, Cham, 2019.

(10) Lingling Zhu#, Tao Li#, Chaojun Wang, Xiaorong Zhang, Lujuan Xu, Runbing Xu, Zhiwei Zhao*; The effects of dark septate endophyte (DSE) inoculation on tomato seedlings under Zn and Cd stress, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018, 25(35), 35232-35241.

(11) Ying Pei#, Lei Liu#, Sabine Hilt, Runbing Xu, Boling Wang, Chengbin Li, Xuexiu Chang*; Root exudated algicide of Eichhornia crassipes enhances allelopathic effects of cyanobacteria Microcystis aeruginosa on green algae, Hydrobiologia, 2018, 823, 67-77.

(12) Jinmei Zi, Xiaofu Pan, Hugh J. MacIsaac, Junxing Yang, Runbing Xu, Shanyuan Chen, Xuexiu Chang*; Cyanobacteria blooms induce embryonic heart failure in an endangered fish species, Aquatic Toxicology, 2018, 194, 78-85.

(13) Longchang Wang#, Jinmei Zi#, Runbing Xu, Sabine Hilt, Xiuli Hou, Xuexiu Chang*; Allelopathic effects of Microcystis aeruginosa on green algae and a diatom: evidence from exudates addition and co-culturing, Harmful Algae, 2017, 61, 56-62.

9 发明的专利

徐润冰,常学秀,王小龙,王龙昌,刘磊,桂秘,鲍志豪. 一种菹草的组织培养方法:中国,ZL 2014 1 0029624.6[P]. 2016-04-20.

10 获奖及荣誉







11 学术会议报告

(1) 徐润冰,常学秀*,水华蓝藻分泌雌激素类似物干扰大型溞繁殖的机制研究,第十八届中国生态学大会,昆明,2019年11月29日-12月1日。

(2) Runbing Xu, Xuexiu Chang*, Allelopathic effects of cyanobacteria independent of microcystin-producing trait can be regulated by temperature. 34th Congress of the International Society of Limnology, Nanjing, China, 2018/08/19-2018/08/24。

(3) Runbing Xu, Xuexiu Chang*, Allelopathic effects of Blooming Cyanobacteria on aquatic organisms. 34th Congress of the International Society of Limnology, Nanjing, China, 2018/08/19-2018/08/24。

(4) 徐润冰,常学秀*,水华蓝藻对沉水植物的化感作用研究,第十七届中国生态学大会,南京,2018年5月3-6日。

(5) Runbing Xu, Xuexiu Chang*, Allelopathic interactions between cyanobacteria and macrophytes: state of the art and potential application in lake restoration. 15th International Symposium of Aquatic Plants, Queenstown, New Zealand, 2018/02/18-2018/02/23。

(6) 徐润冰,赵之伟*,深色有隔内生真菌促进宿主植物P吸收的机制研究,第四届吴征镒研究生学术报告会暨2016年中国科学院研究生学术论坛,昆明,2016年11月30日.

(7) 徐润冰,赵之伟*,Dark septate endophytes (DSEs) promote phosphorus absorption of the host plants,第十二届全国菌根学术研讨会,兰州,2014年7月11-13日.

(8) 徐润冰,常学秀*,Cyanobacteria can allelopathically prevent submerged macrophyte recovery,bat365在线平台官方网站第四届“高原山地环境变化与跨境生态安全”研究生学术研讨会,昆明,2012年3月31日.

