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1. 乌头属植物二萜生物碱多样性及生物合成途径解析、活性物质生物全合成和生态学功能发掘;
2. 褪黑素生物合成途径解析,转录水平及表观遗传调控、生物学功能及进化机制解析;
3. 兰科种子与真菌共萌发的信号化学物质基础及分子基础。
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2. 云南省“万人计划”青年拔尖人才,云南省委组织部人才项目,2021-2025年,在研;
3. 国家自然科学基金,“生态专一型”兰科菌根真菌促进金沙江石斛种子萌发机理研究(****0082),2020年1月-2023年12月,在研;
3. 国家自然科学基金,乌头剧毒特性关键BAHD酰基转移酶基因的鉴定与功能研究(****0622),2016-2019年;
4. 云南白药集团,基于代谢组学定向鉴定低毒(无毒)乌头种质资源中高效镇痛活性成分, 2010-2018年;
1. Shen, Y., Liang, W.J., Shi, Y.N., Kennelly*, E.J., Zhao, D.K.* (2020) Structural diversity, bioactivities, and biosynthesis of natural diterpenoid alkaloids. Natural Product Reports. 37, 763-796. (封面论文) (JCR 1区)
2. Zhao, D.K.*, Wang, H.P., Chen, S.Y., Yu, D.Q., Reiter, J.R. Phytomelatonin: an emerging regulator of plant biotic stress resistance. Trends in Plant Science. 2020; doi: 10.1016/j.tplants.2020.08.009. (JCR 1区)
3. Zhao, D.K., Yao, Z., Zhang, J., Zhang, R., Mou, Z., Zhang, X., Li, Z., Feng, X., Chen, S.*, Reiter, R.J.* Melatonin synthesis genes N-acetylserotonin methyltransferases evolved into caffeic acid O-methyltransferases and both assisted in plant terrestrialization. Journal of Pineal Research. DOI:10.1111/jpi.12737, 2021. ( JCR 1区)
4. Lv, Y., Pan, J., Wang, H., Reiter, R.J., Li, X., Mou, Z., Zhang, J., Yao, Z.; Zhao, D.*, Yu, D.* Melatonin inhibits seed germination by crosstalk with abscisic acid, gibberellin, and auxin in Arabidopsis. Journal of Pineal Research. DOI: 10.1111/jpi.12736, 2021. ( JCR 1区)
5. Zhao, D.K., Yu, Y., Shen, Y., Liu, Q., Zhao, Z, Sharma, R., and Reiter, R.J. (2019) Melatonin Synthesis and Function: Evolutionary History in Animals and Plants. Frontiers in Endocrinology. 10:249. (WOS高被引论文) (JCR 1区)
6. Zhao, D.*, Zhao, Y., Chen, S.*, Kennelly, E.J*. Solanum steroidal glycoalkaloids: structural diversity, biological activities, and biosynthesis. Natural Product Reports. 10.13039, 2021.( JCR 1区)
7. Zhao, D.K.; Shi, Y.N.; Petrova, V.; Grace, G. L. Y.; Negrin, A.; Wu, S.B.; D’Armiento, J. M.; Lau, C. B. S.; Kennelly E. J. 2019. Jaboticabin and related polyphenols from jaboticaba (Myrciaria cauliflora) with anti-inflammatory activity for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 67(5):1513-1520.(JCR 1区)
8. He, J., Pu, C.J., Wang, M., Li, Z.H., Feng, T.,* Zhao, D.K.*, Liu, J.K.* Conosiligins A−D, ring-rearranged tremulane sesquiterpenoids from Conocybe siliginea. Journal of Natural Products. 2020; doi:10.1021/acs.jnatprod.0c00681.(JCR 1区)
9. Zhao, D.K.; Li, T.; Shen, M.; Wang, J.L.; Zhao, Z.W. 2015. Diverse strategies conferring extreme cadmium (Cd) tolerance in the dark septate endophyte (DSE), Exophiala pisciphila: evidence from RNA–seq data. Microbiological Research. 170: 27–35. (JCR 1区)
10. Shi, Y.N. , Zhao, Y., Qian, J., Dong, Z., Wen, G.S.*, Zhao, D.K.*, Kennelly, E.J.* (2021) Aconitum diterpenoid alkaloid profiling to distinguish between the official traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) Fuzi and adulterant species using LC-qToF-MS with chemometrics. Journal of Natural Products. Doi:10.1021/acs.jnatprod.0c00851. (JCR 1区)
11. Zhao, D.K.; Shen, Y.; Shi, Y.N.; Shi, X.Q.; Qiao, Q.; Zi, S.H.; Zhao, E.Q.; Yu, D.Q.; Kennelly, E.J. (2018) Probing the transcriptome of Aconitum carmichaelii reveals the candidate genes associated with the biosynthesis of the toxic aconitine-type C19-diterpenoid alkaloids. Phytochemistry. 152 :113-124. (JCR 1区)
12. Zhao, D.K.;Shi, X.Q.; Zhang, L.M.; Yang, D.Q.; Guo, H.C.; Chen, Y.P.; Shen, Y. 2017. Four new diterpenoid alkaloids with antitumor effect from Aconitum nagarum var. heterotrichum. Chinese Chemcal Letters. 28(2): 358–361. (JCR 1区)
13. Guo, R; Guo, C; He, D; Zhao, D*;Shen, Y. * (2017). Two New C19‐Diterpenoid alkaloids with anti‐inflammatory activity from Aconitum iochanicum. Chinese Journal of Chemistry. 35 (10): 1644–1647.(JCR 1区)
14. Zhao, D.;Shi, Y.; Zhu, X.; Liu, L.; Ji, P.; Long, C.; Shen, Y.; Kennelly, E.J. (2018). Identification of potential biomarkers from Aconitum carmichaelii, a traditional Chinese medicine, using a metabolomic approach. Planta Medica. 84(06/07):434-441. (JCR 1区)
15. Zhao, D.K.; Ai, H.; Zi, S.; Zhang, L.; Yang, S.; Guo, H.; Shen, Y.; Chen, Y.; Chen, J. 2013. Four new C18–diterpenoid alkaloids with analgesic activity from Aconitum weixiense. Fitoterapia. 91: 280–283. (JCR 2区)
16. Shao, S.C., Wang, Q.X., Beng, K.C., Zhao, D.K.* Jacquemyn H*. Fungi isolated from host protocorms accelerate symbiotic seed germination in an endangered orchid species (Dendrobium chrysotoxum) from southern China. Mycorrhiza. 2020;30(4):529-539. (JCR 1区)
17. Wang, Q., Shao. S., Su, Y., Hu, X,, Shen, Y*, Zhao, D.K. (2019) A novel case of autogamy and cleistogamy in Dendrobium wangliangii: A rare orchid distributed in the dry‐hot valley. Ecology and Evolution. 9(22):12906-12914. (JCR 1区)
18. Li, G.Q.; Zhang, L.M.; Zhao, D.K.*; Chen, Y.P.; Shen, Y.*(2016). Two new C19–diterpenoid alkaloids from Aconitum tsaii. Journal Asian Natural Product Research. 19(5):1–5. (JCR 3区)
19. Liu, W.Y.; Zhao, D.K.*; Chen, Y.P.; Shen, Y. (2018) Four new C19-diterpenoid alkaloids from the roots of Aconitum ouvrardianum. Journal Asian Natural Product Research. 21(1), 9-16. 8. (JCR 3区)
20. Duan, X.Y.; Zhao, D.K. *; Shen, Y*. (2018). Two new bis–C20–diterpenoid alkaloids with anti–inflammation activity from Aconitum bulleyanum. Journal Asian Natural Product Research. 21(4):323-330. 8.(JCR 3区)
21. Lv, Y., Shen, Y. Shi, Y. Shen, F. Chen, Y. Zi, S. Zhu, Z. Kennelly, E. J. Zhao, D*. (2019) Root-endophytic fungi diversity of Fuzi (Aconitum carmichaelii) and their anti-fungal activity. Applied Ecology And Environmental Research 17(6):15289-15300.8.(JCR 4区)
22. Yu, Y., Teng, Z., Mou, Z., Lv, Y., Li, T., Chen, S. Zhao, D.K.*, Zhao, Z.* Melatonin confers heavy metal-induced tolerance by alleviating oxidative stress and reducing the heavy metal accumulation in Exophiala pisciphila, a dark septate endophyte (DSE). BMC Microbiology. 2021, 21:40. (JCR 2区)
23. Liu, D.D., Sun, X.S., Liu, L., Shi, H.D., Chen, S.Y.*, Zhao, D.K.*.Overexpression of the melatonin synthesis-related gene slcomt1 improves the resistance of tomato to salt stress. Molecules. 2019, 24(8),1514. (JCR 2区)
24. Yu, Y.; Lv, Y.; Shi, Y.; Li, T.; Chen, Y.; Zhao, D.K.*; Zhao, Z*. 2018. The role of phyto-melatonin and related metabolites in response to stress. Molecules. 2018, 23(8), 1887. (JCR 2区)
25. Zhang, J.M., Yao, Z.P., Zhang, R.J., Mou, Z.M., Yin, H.H., Xu, T.Y., Zhao D.K.*, Chen, S.Y.*. Genome-wide identification and expression profile of the SNAT gene family in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum). Frontiers in Genetics. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2020.591984 (JCR 3区)
26. Zhao, D.K., Selosse, M.A., Wu, L., Luo, Y., Shao, S.C.,* Ruan, Y.L.* Orchid reintroduction based on seed germination-promoting mycorrhizal fungi derived from protocorms or seedlings. Frontiers in Plant Science. 12: 1298, 2021. ( JCR 1区)
27. Mou, Z., Zhao, Y., Ye, F., Shi, Y., Kennelly, E.J., Chen, S., Zhao, D*. Identification, biological activities and biosynthetic pathway of Dendrobium alkaloids. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 12: 605994, 2021.( JCR 1区)
28. Zhao, D.K.; Shi, Y.; Senthilkumar, H.A.; Qiao, Q.; Wang, Q.; Shen, Y.; Hu G. 2019. Enriched networks ‘nucleoside/nucleotide and ribonucleoside/ ribonucleotide metabolic processes’ and ‘response to stimulus’ potentially conferred to drought adaptation of the epiphytic orchid Dendrobium wangliangii. Physiology and Molecular Biology Plants. 25(1):31-45. (JCR 2区)
29. Zhao, D.K.; Hu, G.W.; Chen, Z.Y.; Shi, Y.N.; Zheng, L.; Tang, A.J.; Long, C.L. 2013. Micropropagation and in vitro flowering of Dendrobium wangliangii– a critically endangered medicinal orchid. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research. 7(28): 2098–2110.
30. Ye, K., Lv, X., Zhang, X., Wei, P., Li, Z.H., Ai, H.L.*, Zhao, D.K.*,Liu, J.K*. Immunosuppressive isopimarane diterpenes from cultures of the endophytic fungus Ilyonectria robusta. Frontiers in Pharmacology. DOI,10.3389/fphar.2021.766441, 2022. ( JCR 1区)
31. Shen, M.*; Zhao, D.K. *; Qiao, Q.; Liu, L.; Wang, J.L .; Cao, G.H.; Li, T.; Zhao, Z.W. 2015. Identification of glutathione S–transferase (GST) genes from a dark septate endophytic fungus (Exophiala pisciphila) and their expression patterns under varied metals stress. PLOS One. e0123418 (JCR 1区)
(1) 植物学专业(生态学与环境学院)
(2) 生物工程专业(生命科学学院)